벤치마크 성능 비교
clsx VS classnames
사용자수는 500만 vs 900만이다. classnames는 최근 pr이 있다. 최근 버전 2년전 vs 10개월 전
clsx는 일관적인 코드 작성 방식(styles.classname)과 성능이 매우 빠름
classnames(.bind)는 ‘classname’으로 접근해서 사용할 수 있고 사용자가 많으며 업데이트가 활발한 편이지만, styles.classname과 ‘classname’이 혼재하게 되어 유지보수하기 까다롭고 대규모가 되었을 때 성능 차이가 많이 날 수도 있을 것이라고 예상됨
clsx 사용 예시 1
import clsx from "clsx";
import React from "react";
import { useUID } from "react-uid";
import styles from "./Checkbox.module.css";
// Allow all native HTML input attributes,
// except for ones where we override type or strictness
type CheckboxHTMLElementProps = Omit<
"checked" | "id" | "size"
type InputProps = CheckboxHTMLElementProps & {
* Whether checkbox is checked. Defaults to false.
* "indeterminate" can be used when a checkbox visually represents
* a list of checkboxes that is "partially" checked.
checked?: boolean | "indeterminate";
* Additional classnames passed in for styling.
className?: string;
* Checkbox ID. Used to connect the input with a label for accessibility purposes.
id: string;
type LabelProps = {
* Text to render in label.
children: React.ReactNode;
* Additional classnames passed in for styling.
className?: string;
* ID of input that label is associated with.
htmlFor: string;
* Size of the checkbox label.
size?: "small" | "medium";
// id is required in InputProps but optional in CheckboxProps, so we
// first remove `id` from InputProps before intersecting.
export type CheckboxProps = Omit<InputProps, "id"> & {
* HTML id attribute. If not passed, this component
* will generate an id to use for accessibility.
id?: string;
* Visible text label for the checkbox.
label?: React.ReactNode;
* Size of the checkbox label.
size?: LabelProps["size"];
interface SvgStyle extends React.CSSProperties {
"--checkbox-svg-size": string;
// variables controlling checkbox SVG size.
// surfaced here since they're used in the input, label, and CSS
const svgViewBoxSize = 20;
const svgSizeRem = `${svgViewBoxSize / 16}rem`;
const svgStyle: SvgStyle = {
/* stylelint-disable-next-line value-keyword-case */
"--checkbox-svg-size": svgSizeRem,
* Using a technique from https://www.sarasoueidan.com/blog/inclusively-hiding-and-styling-checkboxes-and-radio-buttons/,
* we hide the checkbox input and instead completely style through an
* SVG overlaid on top of the input element.
const CheckboxSvg = ({ indeterminate }: { indeterminate?: boolean }) => {
const checkmarkPath = indeterminate
? "M 14.00,9.00 C 14.55,9.00 15.00,9.45 15.00,10.00 15.00,10.00 15.00,10.00 15.00,10.00 15.00,10.55 14.55,11.00 14.00,11.00 14.00,11.00 6.00,11.00 6.00,11.00 5.45,11.00 5.00,10.55 5.00,10.00 5.00,10.00 5.00,10.00 5.00,10.00 5.00,9.45 5.45,9.00 6.00,9.00 6.00,9.00 14.00,9.00 14.00,9.00 Z"
: "M15.5605 5.2094C15.447 5.12571 15.3181 5.06522 15.1811 5.03137C15.0442 4.99752 14.902 4.99099 14.7625 5.01214C14.6231 5.0333 14.4892 5.08172 14.3684 5.15465C14.2477 5.22758 14.1425 5.32359 14.0589 5.43718L8.96703 12.3478L5.72917 9.7572C5.50592 9.58618 5.22455 9.50943 4.94539 9.54341C4.66622 9.57738 4.41148 9.71937 4.23576 9.93893C4.06004 10.1585 3.97733 10.4382 4.00536 10.718C4.03339 10.9978 4.16993 11.2555 4.38572 11.4359L8.49687 14.7244C8.61048 14.8133 8.74065 14.8786 8.87979 14.9166C9.01893 14.9546 9.16424 14.9645 9.30724 14.9457C9.45024 14.9269 9.58805 14.8798 9.71264 14.8071C9.83723 14.7344 9.94609 14.6377 10.0329 14.5225L15.7917 6.71187C15.8753 6.59806 15.9356 6.4689 15.9691 6.33178C16.0027 6.19465 16.009 6.05225 15.9875 5.91272C15.966 5.77318 15.9173 5.63925 15.844 5.51857C15.7707 5.39789 15.6744 5.29283 15.5605 5.2094Z";
return (
viewBox={`0 0 ${svgViewBoxSize} ${svgViewBoxSize}`}
<path className={styles.content} d={checkmarkPath} fill="none" />
* Checkbox input element, exported for greater flexibility.
* You must provide an `id` prop and connect it to a visible label.
export const CheckboxInput = React.forwardRef<HTMLInputElement, InputProps>(
({ checked, className, disabled, ...rest }, ref) => {
// Make indeterminate checkbox visually match the colors of a
// checked state, but announce itself as "mixed" to screen readers
const checkedProps =
checked === "indeterminate"
? {
"aria-checked": "mixed" as const,
checked: true,
: {
return (
<span className={clsx(styles.inputWrapper, disabled && styles.disabled)}>
className={clsx(className, styles.checkboxInput)}
<CheckboxSvg indeterminate={checked === "indeterminate"} />
CheckboxInput.displayName = "CheckboxInput";
* Label element, exported for greater flexibility. Can be used with any form input.
export const Label = ({
size = "medium",
}: LabelProps) => {
return (
size === "small" && styles.labelSmall,
size === "medium" && styles.labelMedium,
* Checkbox control indicating if something is selected or unselected.
* Requires either a visible label or an accessible name.
const Checkbox = React.forwardRef<HTMLInputElement, CheckboxProps>(
(props, ref) => {
// All remaining props are passed to the `input` element
const { className, id, label, size, ...rest } = props;
// When possible, use a visible label through the `label` prop instead.
// In rare cases where there's no visible label, you must provide an
// `aria-label` for screen readers.
if (
process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production" &&
!label &&
) {
throw new Error("You must provide a visible label or aria-label");
const generatedId = useUID();
const checkboxId = id || generatedId;
return (
<div className={clsx(className, styles.checkbox)}>
<CheckboxInput id={checkboxId} ref={ref} {...rest} />
{label && (
<Label htmlFor={checkboxId} size={size}>
Checkbox.displayName = "Checkbox";
export default Checkbox;
clsx 사용 예시 2
비슷함. 주석을 잘 적어뒀음
import clsx from "clsx";
import React, { ForwardedRef, ReactNode, forwardRef } from "react";
import styles from "./typography.module.css";
export type TypographySize =
| "h1"
| "h2"
| "h3"
| "h4"
| "h5"
| "body"
| "sm"
| "xs"
| "caption"
| "overline";
export type TypographyColor =
| "alert"
| "base"
| "brand"
| "yellow"
| "info"
| "inherit"
| "neutral"
| "success"
| "warning"
| "white";
export type TypographyMargin = "none" | "half" | "1x" | "2x";
export type TypographyProps<IComponent extends React.ElementType> = {
* This prop can be used to specify which element should
* actually be rendered, in the case that you want to render one HTML element
* but style it as if it were another. If both an `as` prop
* and a `size` prop are passed, the `as` will be used to determine the element
* and the `size` will be used to determine the styling.
as: IComponent;
* The text content to present.
children: ReactNode;
* CSS class for custom styles.
className?: string;
* The color of the text element. If no color provided, defaults to a base color.
color?: TypographyColor;
* The size of the html element. If no `as` prop is provided, then
* the component uses this value to determine which html tag to render
* (e.g. 'h1', 'h2', etc.)
size: TypographySize;
* Specifies font weight as either bold or normal.
* TODO: Currently we will allow toggling any size, but in the future
* we will add stricter enforcement -- e.g. enforcing a boldness
* for each size or checking for mutually exclusive props.
weight?: "bold" | "normal" | null;
* Specifies the bottom-margin that should be applied to the typography element
spacing?: TypographyMargin;
} & React.ComponentProps<IComponent>;
const Typography = forwardRef(
<IComponent extends React.ElementType>(
color = "base",
weight = null,
}: TypographyProps<IComponent>,
ref: ForwardedRef<HTMLElement>,
) => {
const Component = as;
return (
// Sizes
size === "h1" && styles.sizeH1,
size === "h2" && styles.sizeH2,
size === "h3" && styles.sizeH3,
size === "h4" && styles.sizeH4,
size === "h5" && styles.sizeH5,
size === "body" && styles.sizeBody,
size === "sm" && styles.sizeSm,
size === "xs" && styles.sizeXs,
size === "caption" && styles.sizeCaption,
size === "overline" && styles.sizeOverline,
// Colors
color === "alert" && styles.colorAlert,
color === "base" && styles.colorBase,
color === "brand" && styles.colorBrand,
color === "info" && styles.colorInfo,
color === "inherit" && styles.colorInherit,
color === "neutral" && styles.colorNeutral,
color === "success" && styles.colorSuccess,
color === "warning" && styles.colorWarning,
color === "white" && styles.colorWhite,
// Weights
weight === "bold" && styles.weightBold,
weight === "normal" && styles.weightNormal,
// Spacing
spacing === "none" && styles.spacingNone,
spacing === "half" && styles.spacingHalf,
spacing === "1x" && styles.spacing1,
spacing === "2x" && styles.spacing2,
Typography.displayName = "Typography"; // Satisfy eslint.
export default Typography;